by Indy » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:12 pm
For those of you saying "We already have an HSBC thread," this thread is about three things, which HSBC proves:
-Like with the 2008 meltdown, there are no criminal penalties for TBTF banks and their leaders even when they wipe out the country's economy/wealth in a way that AQ could only fantasize about
-Now with the narco case, they can even wash money for drug cartels and terrorists with no criminal penalties
-You can officially declare the War on Drugs a sham because of this
And actually one other point, that we claim corporations are people yet people would go to jail for this in a second whereas not these guys.
Hence the allusion to a caste system, etc.--whatever you want to call it. So let's quit pretending this is an even-playing-field Democracy where we all have the same freedoms/rights. We don't.