by broken robot » Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:23 pm
Ok response to op, when you talk about entitlement programs, there are different procedures for identifying potential candidates in different welfare programs, it's not like there's some loose aggregate of "entitlement money" that the government just doles out to whoever fits a stereotype. You'd need to otherwise show that there is a systematic bias in welfare administration abusing criteria for the sake of a specific constituency of "lazy people" (interesting idea for a social movement!)
More generally fact of the matter is government is involved in big spending whether we like it or not. Only options we have, as Richard Duncan mentions in a recent issue of New Left Review, are to 1) curtail spending and impose fierce austerity measures bringing about depression now (tea party), 2) curtail it later when crisis inevitably comes (Democrats) or 3) invest in energy, infrastructure, and education in a massive way to create technologies that introduce a new scale of social development.
The Subversives