So dylan lets imagine a senario.
Fictional country S has a 'president' A. Mr. A runs a very tight ship, very tight indeed. So much so when times are good and the money is slowing in, he pays his police so well, if you talk out against him you have a holiday in the duegeons allmost invariably.
However, things start to go bad economically, people are out of work and upset, and there's this new thing, the interwebs, which you can go on and talk on, and sometimes now even if your not using a proxy they don't catch you. Furthermore, from the internet and by watching things like america's got talent you learn about the idea of a democratic mandate.
Now, after a few months or years of things being a bit shit, you and your friends down the local economic activity N, walk into the center of town with some placards and as you don't feel your views or concerns are being represented in Mr. A's shame parliment. In fact this happens in a few near by towns and cities you know of.
And in each case, protests are dispersed with violence, where clearly the concern is not for your safety. Also there are mass arrests. Generally bad things happen and this goes on for ages.
Then finally a town a few miles away takes up arms and kicks the police and millita out. A few days later the army of Mr A begins a saturation bombardment of that town.
Things gradually get worse and worse, each time the demand for some sort of reform to the political system is met with extreme and direct violence. Lots of your friends are dead, some of your family most probably, half the country is on fire. The army of mr A still directly attacks civilians.
Now, you as a fighter capture a bunch of people who you think are Mr A's policeman, and the policemen in your town did horrible things to friends of yours.
How well could you restrain yourself?