by cool_chick » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:58 am
For the love of God, why, WHY do we have to be subjected to the damn strawmen all the time? NO ONE is calling for bans of guns, man. This piece is trying to tear down some f**k strawman.
I'm sick of day-in-day-out here, Facebook, websites, everywhere, trying to claim removing guns won't help when no one is trying to ban guns. They're trying to ban a TYPE of gun. This TYPE of gun would be very difficult for these women to carry on the bus. I highly doubt they would buy this TYPE of gun but would rather carry a pistol for public protection. This article and scenarios are completely irrelevant to the issues being brought forth in America today.
Is there any hope of you guys actually addressing the topic at hand accurately? Any remote possibility, teeny one?