by Indy » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:24 am
I wonder if there's any atrocity that isn't hijacked these days by the NRA crowd and exploited as a vomit-inducing example of how "See?! This would have never happened if _____ had a gun!"
Even better, if the atrocity is because of a gun, the solution of course is... a gun! Guns, guns and more guns!
Apparently Somalia is what they're going for.
And any gun/type/magazine size, too! Hey look at me! I'm a gun "expert" but I can't drop a man with a 10 rounds!
Question: if you're so awful that you can't drop somebody with 10 rounds, you want us to give you, say, 30 rounds so you can spray even more of your incompetence all over God knows where?
I think Newtown was a turning point for the NRA in that people have finally had enough; like the GOP to which it is wed, it is a movement completely controlled at this point by zealots whose fetishism with ideology completely obliterates any sense of reality.