I'm not disputing the fact that new technology changes things. That's a platitude. It's not even worth mentioning.
I'm disputing the utopia you are imagining. Manufacturing, however automated, still requires base materials. You still can't make something out of nothing. The world is not an infinite resource. There will be well over 7 billion people on Earth by the time this is even close to being realized. There remain fractious nation-states endangering the planet with nuclear holocaust. There is the potential problem of human extinction via perhaps now irreversible climate change, climate change that is now only being exacerbated by emerging technologies. The world is also not an infinite dumpster.
I don't see any serious account of these problems and their possible solutions in any of this tech utopia imagining. I'm just noting some of the most obvious too, that's really just skimming the surface, it's hardly even a first approximation.