by JDHURF » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:37 pm
If you want to talk about your utopia, you must be prepared to talk about it seriously or not at all. I'm done discussing it further until you attempt to address some of the many problems, a few I mentioned specifically.
Having argued extensively multiple times in favor of the dissolution of unjust socially constructed hierarchies and forms of domination, in favor of a horizontal social collective managed democratically by the voluntary participants, yes, I am in favor of an equitable social relation within collectives.
I sure do deny that technological progress has made human civilization less violent. It was because of human civilization that industrial scale mass murder and holocaust took place, several times over again on various scales. Technology has made massacre and murder very efficient. One of the largest tech industries is military technology, the technology of war and murder.
Technology, as I observed, is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. Significant social change must come before technological advances will be able to play any real part in said change. Within the current system, technological advances only occur and function within the rudimentary framework of profit over people. That system must change first. The tech advances will not change the essential social structure or functioning by themselves, they will merely be promulgated because of and then fitted into the functioning of the existing social system.
If anything, the emerging tech will only further entrench the dominance of the ruling classes and strengthen those wielding the power of emerging tech in their hierarchical roles of dominance unless substantive social change happens first.