The guy who walks into a bank with a gun to rob it is not a wealthy person.
It is someone driven by permutations of poverty, addiction, alcoholism, ignorance, and desperation.
Remove any of those legs, you remove the crime.
I volunteered in prisons for over a decade, with a specific focus on alcohol and drug addiction. Some of the guards thought we were useless do-gooders. But I asked one of them one day how many of the crooks he had arrested were drunk or high when they committed their crimes or when they were arrested.
His purely anecdotal response was, "80 percent", without hesitation. So I asked him how much he thought crime would drop if we could get just one or two of those people cleaned up. And then I saw the light click on. He was most cooperative from that day forward.
And based on my own experiences in several jails and prisons around the country, I would not be surprised if "80 percent" was close to scientifically accurate.