by Spider » Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:59 pm
Oh, being overweight now and again happens to most people. Getting fat, as in actually obese, is something else altogether.
But anyways, this isn't about me. Its about your absolute claims as covered here:
That doesn't stand up either. You claimed I would be fat one day. You said it was inevitable because I watch TV.
So why is it that most people aren't fat? Even here in the US, the fattest country with probably the most fast food crap all over the place, the vast majority are in fact not obese.
You also claimed: "Most people simply conform to what they see, and if they see commercials for McDonalds that's what they are going to eat."
Which is pretty absolute. The vast bulk of people see McDonalds commercials. But the vast bulk of people do not eat there, and are not obese.
Its this notion that people aren't responsible for their own fat asses that irritates me. The idea that a bunch of thinking human beings with free will are trying to blame their problems on inanimate objects, that being food.