I am trying to picture what kind of people would up and move themselves to live in the residential part of Becktopia.
I am also trying to picture what libertarian attractions the theme park would have that would cause people to plan their vacations around visiting Becktopia. A firing range where you can drink whiskey while you shoot fully automatic weapons? A racetrack where you can drive cars without seatbelts or speed limits, bring the kids!
A Jarts tournament every afternoon.
Will there be giant-headed fuzzy theme park characters that look like Beck to take photos with the kids? Will tots be flocking to hear give-me-liberty-or-give-me-death lectures from Patrick Henry lookalikes?
Statues of Jefferson and Beck everywhere. A replica of Boston's North Church with a Paul Revere lookalike telling visitors that he warned the British they aren't going to take away our arms by ringing those bells, and describing how he rode through town firing those shots and bells that we were going to be secure and that we were going to be free...
AH! Battle of Lexington re-enactments!
The concessions are easy to imagine. 13-star flags. Muskets. Fifes. Tri-corner hats and coonskin caps. Bowie knives. All the fats, carbs, Freedom Cigarettes, and 100 proof beer you can handle. And of course books by Beck.
Yeah. He'll recoup that $2 billion in no time!