by The Dharma Bum » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:35 pm
I'd say it was Joe Biden and Co that first floated the trial balloon that we need to "look at the 2nd amendment". That's literally how they were terming it at first.
Then when the enormous backlash with literally 100,000s of thousands of people joining the NRA and mass stockpiling weapons and ammunition in response to that kind of talk. This was immediately followed by the meeting with the NRA that didn't go as they had planned so they had to walk their first statements waaay back and now they are acting like they supported the 2nd amendment all along and only wanted to make sure that private sale were subjected to background checks.
If public opinion would not have been what it was they would be in the process of removing the 2nd amendment from the constitution right now and I truly believe that.