by Ben Huh » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:49 pm
IMO there was no conspiracy, the admin simply jumped on the protestor bandwagon too quickly and performed half-ass damage control. In the end, although four lives were lost, there is no conspiracy to hide the truth about what happened. In fact, the truth has pretty much been out there since after the smoke cleared. Clinton f*cked up and did so pretty badly, which is why she is no longer our Sec of State and why Susan Rice, her second in command, was overlooked as her replacement. In Clinton's med absence, Rice became the scapegoat because she was the scapegoat as a culpable party in the incompetency to respond to urgent pleas from the consulate to increase security. I applaud Rand Paul for being one of the only Reps questioning Clinton that had the balls to ask why politicians think taking responsibility is a get out of repercussions free card. Uh, no. That sort of display of incompetency is much deserving of unemployment and Paul was smart not to politicize his questioning like everyone else did. The Democratic ballwashing of their beloved Hilary and Republicans still pressing on that it was a conspiracy almost made me puke.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."