by Indy » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:43 pm
Well of course that's how it's done too.
Remember the ridicule of the OWS movement? Granted it was rudderless but the media didn't wait to pounce on them as bongo-playing white guys with dreads and spoilt Mac-owning rich kids wearing Che Guevera gear. I remember Erin Burnett openly mocking them on-camera for CNN while interviewing them. Where was the mockery of, say, Lloyd Blankenfein for how he screwed us?
Oh, that's right: you have to read Matt Taibbi.
And remember the ball-licking that went on when Jamie Dimon appeared before congress. The fawning, love-goggle kisses blown his way? Yeesh.
These people just f***ed the world economy with frauds and schemes and took our money to pay for it, and give themselves multi-millions in bonuses. While costing millions of Americans jobs and homes. We're still not out of that mess.
But let's... make fun of OWS?
Usually you get the response on these threads of: you hate rich people! Class envy/warfare! You want socialism (irony alert: we have socialism right now, this IS socialism)! Yer a librul who hates capitalism (same irony: this isn't capitalism)! Blah, blah.
Oh but if it's God, Guns, Gays or BenGhazi, we're feed a non-stop diet of it.
Don't you think that's kind of the plan?