by The Dude » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:26 am
The Fed's role is not to make sure crashes don't happen. Their mandate is employment and inflation and it would be impossible to prevent crashes.
The Legislature having their pockets filled by Wall Street is not related the the Federal Reserve Board. The Fed is an independent oversight committee.
Was GWB, Clinton, and The Congress complicit? Of course! They changed the laws that allowed for much of the mess. The Fed, however, had nothing to do with that. it doesn't pass laws. It does monetary policy. It was forced into a position of bailing them out by the incompetence of others.
You still haven't demonstrated how Ben Bernanke, who makes these decisions unilaterally essentially, did it for corrupt reasons. This was your claim and this is what I want you to prove. I don't give a flying f**k, in this conversation, about other people. You claimed he's corrupt and now you must put your money where you mouth is.
The argument "most of gov't is corrupt therefore everyone is corrupt" is not valid.