by phosphide » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:34 pm
I don't know what arguments they used the first time, though, I disagree that they are hypocrites.
You can only push so hard before pushing someone to the breaking point - which is what it sounds like this court case did. When somebody sues you, what choice do you have? You are forced to participate. You can't from even a Catholic concious point of view make a decision without freedom and choice. This hospital probably had no other choice, even though they may or may not have done anything wrong, and made a concious decision to go against their beliefs because the cost was way too high not too (knowing how most medical verdicts go).
I'm being fairly speculative here as we barely know squat about the whole thing in the first place. Besides, what difference does it make that we point out one catholic hospital? Catholic hospitals have nothing to do with the Catholic Church or it's beliefs, which is what the entire goal of this whole smear appears to be anyways.
We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will yet swell the chorus when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.
- Abraham Lincoln