by Professor » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:18 pm
I kind of disagree and agree. If you are a "productive" member of society, you get to stay.
Now, before I get into this, realize that I only can think of the broad strokes. It would require a legion of analysts and researchers to actually crunch the numbers.
There is a line drawn at some level of income earned where anyone below that line actually receives more from society than they contribute. And anyone above contributes more than they receive. If you are a single dad of 4 making $25k/year, chances are good that you are taking more from society than giving (including portions of all things, like military, infrastructure, etc.). On the other hand, a single lady making $130k is probably contributing more. As I said, this is WAY general - but you can see my point. Somewhere, there is a line.
If you are above that line after 1-2 years, then you stay. If you are below, you go. As a general rule. I don't mind exceptions for certain things, but this is a good rule of thumb.