And this is my problem with them. I'm all for making things safer and penalties for violating safety regs. Just ask anyone at work. I'm kinda bitchy about Safety.
But when the circumstances and environment are actually changed to encourage an uptick in the rate of "violations" without the intent being to actually make things SAFER rather than generate revenue, I get really bitchy. Just like when I got pulled over last Tuesday at 2:45 a.m. The "violation" was having my tail light out. The "reason" I was pulled over was for working swings and coming home during the golden DUI hour. I was given a quick warning once the cop realized I smelled of diesel rather than Crown Royal.
And, ya, small town cops will often give a sly smile or even a giggle when you say at the end, "I don't drink. I just work for a living, so I'm a poor revenue generator." At least the cop did when I said it before heading into the house.