If resounding global laughter and dismissal is shrill, then shrill is the correct way to go. They haven't won anything. They've made fools of themselves
again. This sort of a fumble just makes them seem that much more incompetent and illegitimate.
This isn't even a little bit convincing Nico. Its a joke.
Also, like I said, if you were paying attention, the flight footage is likely of a scale model, suitable for filming with a potato. At least that's what I've been hearing from commentators who know a lot more about the mechanics of video footage than I do.
I'll cheerfully eat my words if I can see a human being taking off in this thing. No danger of that, as I can damn near promise you it won't be happening. The Iranians couldn't build even a cold war intercepter if their entire civilization depended on it. They just don't have that capability.
Can't imagine why you'd give them the benefit of the doubt on a fiberglass B-movie scifi prop from the 80's. I'm pretty sure that little instrument panel has a tape deck in it.