by Precocity » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:37 am
Typical Piers Morgan trying to get the upper hand and really didn't but Nugent dropped the ball twice. First as soon as Morgan said "does anyone need one (AR-15) of those", Nugent missed a golden opportunity. Gun rights advocates continue to miss that opportunity.
And then Morgan, showing further proof that the trick to sway opinion is the golden comparison smoke screen which Nugent was also not prepared for. The two countries with the most guns - the U.S. and Yemen. Nugent disappointed me because to be such an outspoken advocate for guns and knowing full well the capability of his adversary to deflect and dis-inform, he should have seen that coming and be ready. He didn't even know about Yemen (which is true they are #2) and he should have been ready to shoot that one down also. Of course he pulled a Piers and deflected it to Mexico, Chicago, etc. and pretty much countered that fallacy. But playing one fallacy against another isn't a win.
In all, neither side really won that debate on gun control in my opinion but Nugent did hold his own against Morgan's attempt to try and make him look foolish.