no one has yet to explain why the scouts should be legally required to admit gays into their organization
the closest thing to a rebuttal so far is exploited who is assuming that eventually, due to demographics, the scouts will be purged from society for clinging to these archaic and revolting principles
but as i noted, even by the demographics, that is not likely (see 2nd to last post on page 3, 89 i think) ((At least not any time soon))
like at augusta national, where while they were under no legal obligation to do so, they eventually admitted blacks and women, the only real weapon you have is public pressure, as there is no legal standing to accomplish this
as far as the relevancy of the scouts...well they make up barely 1% of the country. why are people so obsessed with making such a small organization bend to their perceived notion of equality?
anyway, good talk, im off to atlantic city hoping the snow holds off until i make it there. looking forward to reading some (hopefully cogent) rebuttals later this weekend