Partisan for whom?
Lack of gov't action certainly helped
cause the crisis but the gov't was not flying those planes, so to speak.
When people try the "It's the gov't's fault for not stopping them" argument... a) that's a separate issue and b) let me re-brand this the "Chris Brown argument."
Brown is in hot water right now for allegedly faking completing the terms of his probation. Allegedly, a police chief down south helped him do this by falsifying records stating he had completed community service, etc.
Even if that's true that does not change the fact that Brown committed this offense; the fact that the cop was an accessory is a separate matter.
So... if I were to follow the herd on this one, we'd blame the cop and let Brown walk away.
No matter how many times it's been debunked, you
still have people trotting out this tired meme, along with the obligatory Fannie/Freddie whipping boy(s) and my favorite: the "CRA Argument." All bogus, all revisionist.
So if people like Rubio are to be believed, we shouldn't be keeping our eye on AQ, we should be slicing gov't!
Too bad the Wall Streeters weren't Muslims.
THEN we'd have the full attention of these people.