by Stratego » Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:23 am
This whole case reeks of piss-poor journalism. Here's who the story has been reported so far.
1. Definitely pre-meditated murder.
2. Found a single casing in the bedroom. Conclusion: he shot her in the hips before she ran in the bathroom.
3. Found a cricket bat. Now, her skull was also "crushed" (as if they couldn't tell the first few days)
4. Found steroid... Must be Roid-Rage
Anyone can come up with a theory if substantial evidence is not required. Maybe she slit her own wrist with Occam's Razor because sometimes the simple answer is the most elegant one.
Sigmund Freud defined four parts of a psyche; the id, the ego, the superego and the stratego. The Stratego being the highest form of morality and scientific thinking.
If guns are not outlawed, the in-laws will have guns.