Let the war on science continue! Because nothing makes for a better civilization than tossing out science in favor or religious or conspiracy-based ideology!
Just ask, um, I dunno: the Muslims?
I wonder what country these people live in. I wonder who in their right mind can live in the U.S. and witness what's been going on for the last few years and not realize that something is seriously, seriously wrong. I wonder how many more all-time records for severe/bizarre weather we have to break before these people get a clue.
Oh, wait: they never will.
Yesterday here it was 55 degrees outside. Right now with the wind chill it is -3. In the span of 24 hours. This has been going on all winter.
But yeah, let's put on the blindfold of denial and ride this suicide train into the ground! Wee!
Because that's what Jesus would have wanted.