Oh so we should change the subject. Right.
Rubio said that a major cause of the meltdown was "reckless gov't policies," which is an outright falsehood.
Lack of gov't policies or failure to enforce gov't policies =/= "reckless gov't policies." The people who were out-of-control reckless, who DEFINED reckless--those people were
Wall St., and the mortgage company (and rating agency) accomplices, not the gov't.
This was another attempt at revisionist history to fit into his party's long-standing gov't-hating narrative, by incredibly claiming that we need to get the gov't OUT of things like regulating Wall St., when in fact it was that total lack of regulation that allowed something like this to happen.
And that was just the non-existent/failing defense side of it.
Using the clownish logic presented by people here, when Germany invaded Poland why Germany is not to be held accountable--it's Poland's fault for not repelling them!
All in an attempt to excuse Rubio for either being a) a grade-A liar or b) f***ing clueless or even c) both.
BTW enough of the "Everybody's doing it!" excuse that it's just "politics."