I honestly don't believe that DHS is looking to suspend the constitution and violently occupy the country anytime soon.....THAT SAID...there is no denying that the scope, size, cost, invasiveness, and prevalence of state violence in all its forms has expanded dramatically in the last generation and especially since 2001. It's come to the point where there is not a single major voice, either politically or in the market place of ideas, calling to reduce the sword of the state...in point of fact they are mostly all calling for its' expansion.
We now live in a militarized police state. That fact is softened considerably by the fact that we enjoy expansive constitutional rights and privileges...but it is a fact and a problem none the less. The modern debate is defined by a dominant clique who advocate security & authority vs a smaller clique who advocate liberty. That's why, no matter how whacky he gets, I like Alex Jones...he may be a whacky blow-hard for liberty, but he's a loud whacky blow-hard.