by Indy » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:43 pm
It didn't sink him alone, but ask most people which gaffe they remember most and I guarantee you that the 47% remark was the beginning of the end.
Arguably, what sank him started way back in Iowa, when a former moderate decided he was going to pander to the Michelle Bachmann type crazies, and then KEEP doing that all the way up until, by my count, debate #2 where he then magically turned into Obama. Or was it #3? I can't remember. Kinda late in the game to be shaking that etch-a-sketch.
So we got the best of both worlds: a plutocrat throwing out misleading memes about taxpayers (when he's the biggest tax dodger of all) who ALSO aligned himself with tri-corner hat-wearing morons who want to scorch the Earth because they hate Obama just that much.