I can list a major, structural change. Afghan women may attend school. Yes, they may be assaulted by the citizenry, but the government allows it. This is a huge change.
The ME may not be nearly as non-conformist as many Western civilizations, but they are light years ahead of where they were 100 years ago. Frankly, how much has Western culture moved in 100 years? Women could vote, minorities could vote (though were still oppressed), and society was basically free. Things are more equal now, but no major shifts.
Compare that to the ME of 100 years ago. Heck, there aren't even the same countries any more. Women may vote and walk around freely. They have many of the rights of men, if not all. Foreigners aren't killed for being Christian. Heck, there are even Christian churches in most countries in the ME.
To say that the ME hasn't changed is just plain wrong. The ME has changed more than perhaps any other area of the world. And, like when the Western countries were changing (1700s-1800s), there is a lot of violence and upheaval.