They are using it to push a political point, but that is fairly common for both media and politicians so I don't see this as sinking to a new level. Obama paraded a load of kids who'd survived a shooting behind him when he was announcing attempts at gun control, it's just modern politics.
People like this guy (and the women he was involved with of course) make lifestyle choices that are so outrageous they undermine the concept of the welfare state. Yeah it is cynical from the Mail, but I don't object to the criticism of people who exploit the benefits system and have loads of kids whose lives they destroy almost as soon as they are out of the womb. They damage society, fuel crime and anti-social behaviour and allow the justification of political attacks on both the welfare state and the poor.
I have no objection to saying that some people are scum and should not be tolerated in our society. In fact I think we should do that far more, and not only about the Jeremy Kyleistas.