I was standing in the Wal Mart check out line with my 40 dollars worth of food, including a loaf of bread, that has to last me a week because I don't make that much money and have a lot of pop-up expenses that hit me all of a sudden and at the same time and I notice in front of me a couple of very overweight colored people with a basketfull heaping full of groceries. I'm waiting and waiting for them to finally get done checking out, probably 20 min on just them alone and I hear their total, over $260!! I thought to myself how in the world can they afford that much when I am struggling, working a full time job, to put 40 dollars of food on the table each week? I saw them yank out a credit card whose face I didn't recognize as any of the major brands but I couldn't read what was on it. On a whim, when I got home I decided to google "Louisiana food stamp program" and there it was, the credit card they used. I was in disbelief. I had 40 dollars in groceries because I have a job and can't afford more than that per week, and here they were, with 260 dollars worth, and it was all free money to them, free groceries.
This a screwed up deal to anyone with a job. Bust your ass, get a job, work your ass off and barely be able to live off of what you can afford to eat. Sit on your ass, get fatter than a blob of lard, and get all the free food you can eat. No wonder people just aren't trying to find a job anymore!