You can't spend your way out of debt and you can't "stimulus" your way out of a recession. The fact that democrats, despite history not being on their side, continue to try to shove this idea down our throats is absolutely incredible.
Just ask China who already went down this road: ... good-idea/As of April of 2012, their GDP growth rate was ZERO.
FDR raised taxes during his presidency and his tax rates, business regulations, and all his feel-good programs, did nothing for the eight years he first served as president. Sure, during the war unemployment went down considerably (that kind of thing happens when you ship off the ones who would have been in a soup line). Fact is, the recession hadn't really ended until after the war. In fact, despite Truman trying to raise taxes to pay for the war, the Republican-controlled congress cut them almost to the bone, and the economy took off. It proves historically, that cutting taxes raises revenue, but democrats won't hear it.
Reagan didn't raise spending either, that was the democrat-controlled congress. Reagan wanted to lower taxes and cut spending. Democrats gave him the tax cuts, but they increased spending, and that was the last time he tried to work with democrats on an issue. The taxes got us out of the recession, but the increased spending got us to where we were in the 90s.
"Police protection" is an oxymoron. Gun laws are like masturbation, they both feel really good, but after you're done you realize you haven't accomplished anything."