by lnrw » Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:59 pm
Being smart has never been a prerequiste for being senator, why start now?
This may not be a constitutional option, but let us say for arguments sake that we appointed the survivors of the 9/11 attack to the Senate.
What if they voted to nuke all the middle east countries?
Would that be a good idea?
what if they voted themselves billions in compensation?
What if they voted their families eternal compensation?
I don't think this is a very good idea, because the only reason they would be there is because someone close to them was killed somehow. That's not a qualification to sit in the senate.
Whatever may be the status of the United States, and however poorly it is administered, we are a nation of laws. we do not appoint people to congress. We elect them. Merit is not obtained via tragic accidents and murders. There is no basis for them to be in any seat of power without due process; i.e. being elected by the people.
This would create another reason for heinous crimes. Kill or have someone killed that is close to you and bingo, senate seat. Or someone could kill someone close to you because they knew you would vote a certain way.
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