Would you support a politician that says college is not for everyone?
One of the favorite lines politicians use, especially Democrats, is that we need to invest in our education. While this is awesome and true, they tend to focus a lot on making sure that everybody can afford to go to college. But there's not a lot of emphasis on technical schools or just getting work experience after high school or even just going online to ask questions. Presumably, it's because sending people to college sounds great (even though to get accredited colleges nowadays don't even need to offer a lot of value) and doesn't require a lot of responsibility on the politician's part.
There has also been rebates about the impact of making college "affordable." The argument being that the ease at with money can be obtained for college actually drove prices up for college thereby making them less affordable. We can see that in the student debt crisis.
So, back to my original question. Given all things equal, would you support a politician that publicly states that college isn't for everyone, that he/she will reduce funding for colleges and transfer some of that funding of technical schools and internships, and make it harder for people to borrow money for college?