by The Dharma Bum » Fri May 03, 2013 9:44 am
I think the transition to democratic societies would be fairly painless and quick if we didn't work so hard to undermine it in support of our commercial interests. We are literally spending billions to specifically do so. We are really putting in a monumental effort to shape the word according to our desires and in a lot of ways it's working. But in the fundamental task of maintaining the dominant position we held by chance of fate at the end of WWII our efforts have simply not been successful.
If the twin elements of US military aggression and commercial dominance wasn't such a prevalent aspect of our international relations we wouldn't have radical Islam as a concern. We could have skipped the entire Cold War, in fact. The USSR was never any threat to us and actually had the aligned interest with the US of needing a foreign bogeyman to justify the draconian internal social controls both states maintained as a matter of course.
When the USSR fell we immediately created a new bogeyman. And there you have it...