Its as if exploited is so illiterate that he can't read a link. The guy doesn't say the world will be bright and rosey. In fact, had you actually READ anything he wrote, he even said that within 5 years of doomsday, 80% of the population of the earth would be dead, but only 20% of those would be directly attributable to the bombs themselves. The rest would be from other causes like starvation, disease, etc.
So no, we don't have enough nuclear weapons to wipe out life on earth "Many times over". We don't even have enough nuclear weapons in the world to do it once.
But lets not glance over Obama taking money from our own military to give to the Afghan military. What was done in the 80s buying arms overseas was not done by cutting funding to our own military. In fact, during that time, our military had the largest increase in size in history. Obama is spending hundreds of millions on foreign helos for foreign countries when our own military is seeing spending cuts.
Anyone who makes an excuse for that behavior is as bad as the one doing it.