I've already had a military general say Russia would win a nuke war because all they would have to do is back up into Siberia. That place is huge and rugged and it would take far more nuclear weapons to beat them in there than we have. He said we are surrounded by water on all sides, Russia can just back into Siberia. Would it be one person standing on a rock? Absolutely not. It would be millions of Russians who flee to Siberia that would be perfectly fine after a nuclear exchange.
Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be pretty in Russia after we got done, but the vast expanse of land would ensure their survival, we don't have that guarantee. We could run into Canada, but it wouldn't be easy.
The misunderstanding of nuclear weapons is mindboggling. You realize that the area of destruction from the nukes in Japan was like less than a square mile??

Damage extended out only about 2 miles from the epicenter. Our nuclear weapons are larger now, but still not THAT big. We would definitely inflict incredible damage to Russia or anyone else, but I don't feel absolute destruction would be obtainable with our current level of warheads, especially if we find ourself engaging on multiple fronts.
What you define as destruction and what I define is far different.
So can you explain to me why its ok for Obama to remove money from our military and ground our aircraft to purchase aircraft for Afgans? In the 80s nobody was grounded when we bought arms for other countries, and we were buying small arms, not multi million dollar helicopters.
"Police protection" is an oxymoron. Gun laws are like masturbation, they both feel really good, but after you're done you realize you haven't accomplished anything."