You guys have bought into a lot of the myths about capitalism that are put forth by our culture, which is immersed in this thinking. None of that stuff is accurate, competition is inherently wasteful, which is inefficiency by definition. Not to mention the idea that prices with correctly set themselves in a market that is manipulated from all sides is patently ridiculous. Please read this: ... ml#Authors Prefaces to the First and Second Editions, by Karl Marx
Marx goes how capitalist production "works" in detail. He literally destroys all the stuff you guys are saying here. Don't buy into propaganda, read it for yourself and then decide what you think. I used to believe all that stuff about capitalism, until I educated myself on the subject. It's pretty eye opening to find out much of what you always took for granted because of being immersed in this system and culture and the justifications we are all taught. Problem is it is all just plain wrong.
Capitalism is probably the worst system possible, it is literally the cause of the world's human suffering, at least all of that can be that can connected to neglect. We take the resources from the third world and leave all of those people with nothing. That theft is what the "American Dream" is made from, not innovation.
Capitalism is nothing more and nothing less than ignoring a large part of society in favor of commercial interests and nothing else, all of that crap about competition etc is bunch of baloney meant to hide this fact, and it is another objective fact that if we do not adopt a sane approach to production the human race isn't going to survive the industrialization and extreme division of labor associated with advanced industrial capitalism. Not only are we polluting the planet at an unprecedented rate without doing anything at all about it and using the planet's natural resources up rapidly, we are creating a monoculture that makes every individual human being dependent on the same system for survival. And that system is built on the shakiest of foundations, which is only what people will do for a profit. If this foundation fails and the system collapses it will mean the death of every human on the planet.
And we haven't even started discussing the link between our predatory economic practices and warfare.