drunk driving is bad
not drunk driving and calling it drunk driving makes a mockery of it.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/14/us/ntsb-b ... ?hpt=hp_t2
they are recommending changing the standard to 0.05 BAC using their blackmail scheme of forcing states into doing what the feds want. i don't know if 0.08 should even be considered drunk (before MADD came around it was 0.15) but 0.05 certainly is not drunk driving. in my opinion, it should be left to officer discretion, and the BAC noted so that the officer wasn't just making shit up (it's all taped anyway these days)
a much more dangerous activity that happens when driving these days is f**k with phones. but we're busy making sure people who are not even drunk are arrested and marked with a drunk driving arrest. and then the states can't let reason prevail because of the congressional blackmail. lets hope this is not changed to 0.05