by jimmyz » Thu May 16, 2013 3:29 pm
If it was known that Ambassador Stevens' was running/controlling his own Libyan rebel Al Qaeda affiliated agents and that they were at the compound to meet Stevens that night to coordinate the sale and shipment of more captured Libyan weapons destined for the Al Qaeda linked rebels fighting alongside Free Syrian Army rebels in Syria there would have been an Ollie North type scandal before Obama's presidential re-election bid. Stevens' Libyan Al Qaeda agents turned on him on orders from Ayman al-Zawahiri. The double-cross was ordered to be perpetrated on the 9/11 anniversary. This is why Stevens' security detail consisted of two men. He was meeting what he thought were friends in his weapons smuggling scheme. Not potential terrorist murderers of himself, his aide and his two-man security detail.
Obama needed to be seen fighting and winning against Al Qaeda before election time not helping Al Qaeda linked rebel groups by arming them in their fight against Assad in Syria. It was especially sensitive since Obama had promised to not arm the rebels at that point in time. This is why it was hushed up until now.