I am looking at the latest Immigration Amnesty that is a supposed compromise and all I can say here is another corporate give away. My heart goes out to the children of the parents who made a decision to break our laws and come here illegally and if anybody deserves some consideration it would be them. However, here is the bottom line Illegal Immigrants take jobs away from law abiding Americans.
Unemployment is now officially at 7.5% and is probably a lot higher when you count in people who have just given up looking for work. Now we are going to legalize a group of people who came here illegally to steal jobs from the unemployed. You will hear our "friends" in corporate America say the illegals take the jobs that most Americans aren't interested in. Oh really, maybe if they paid a living wage Americans would be interested in taking the job. Which adds to my final argument that illegal immigrants drive down wages?
So what do we do with all of the illegals here VERY SIMPLE? First we take away from them what Illegals want a job and we do that by increasing enforcement of our existing laws. ID verification must be a requirement and it must be accessible easily. Any employer found to have illegal employees is fined severely and the fines become progressive with each violation. Anybody arrested has their legal status checked and if found to be here illegally is deported. Illegals are denied the right to welfare, food, stamps, or any sort of public relief. Nonprofit organizations including churches must also check legal status before providing assistance if they don't they risk losing their tax exempt status. Basically the idea is that illegals self deport because life in the United States is now hostile.
We are a society based upon laws and I am sorry too many people who played by the rules need jobs and I have little faith in the government to solve this problem.