by Indy » Wed May 29, 2013 10:03 am
Progressives/liberals, what's the difference?
You're either with us--conservative Americans aka patriots and heroes--or you're sticking scissors into the back of that baby's head while watching jihadist beheading videos and gettin' yer hate on for America.
Any real American patriot is outraged by the dirty dealings of Eric Himmler, whereas the filthy liberals want to give him aid and comfort as they set up their death panels.
Put 'em all in camps, that's what I say. Freedom Camps, where they can accept Christ and renounce their liberalism or they can face the working end of my AR-15 with a 30 round mag filled with hollow points. Let's see Allah save you now, you f***ers. I hope you have the scissors in your hand when I waste you.
These people have gotten away with America-hatin' and scissor killin' for too long. We're fortunate that conservative patriots are on alert 24/7 for their slimy schemes.