by Indy » Fri May 31, 2013 11:14 am
I don't know how anybody can look at the weather in this country the past few years and stand there and say derp, derp, that climah change thingy is just liberlism!
Even stoooooopider, I have read that the whole End-of-Days crowd is actually embracing this because they think it's just going to hasten The Rapture.
Climate change people told us years ago what would happen and it's happening.
To sit there and deny it at this point for some bullshit political ideology is the definition of stupidity. We get it, you don't like Al Gore. Talk about nose/spiting face.
That said, if the Dems are so great about climate change then why haven't they done shit but talk about it? Hmm.
Once people like the Koch brothers put their billions into the whole "There's still a debate about global warming!" myth and hordes of goons started descending on, say, university professors who dared legitimize it it was over.
Because that's exactly how it's working. How something scientific got turned into political (i.e., liberal) is one hell of a trick. But people like the Koch brothers know it's one that works. Just slap the "L" word on it and let all them super-patriots line up to shout it down.
What do they care? They'll be dead and gone when it gets even worse--who cares about future generations. It's me, me, me instant gratification and no thought of consequences.
IN other words--and here's the irony part--ultra-liberalism.